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===Cloelius II===
[[Cloelius Cyrillus II|Cloelius II]] took the role of High King in 187 and dawned the Sapphire crown alongside the Sword of Nometra and became known as Cloelius II. Cloelius II was alarmed by the expansion of the [[Kingdom Of Osmax]], many similar states in the region felt the same. In respone, Cloelius knew that he would need weapons if they were to war. He build mutiple blacksmith shops, and foundries in and around [[Nometra]] through the decade 190's. Unlike his father, Cloelius I, Cloelius II was a lot more peaceful and built his Kingdom to become bigger and better. Although the centralization in the Kingdom halted a lot of progress, and only gave the King very limited funds, Cloelius II was able to do much more with what he had been given. Sometime in May of 200 First Era, Cloelius II died from an unknown aliment. His son, the prosperous Loelius I took the throne.
===League of Aineiasion===
===Loelius I===
The High Kingdom of Nometra played a pivotal and leading role in the League of Aineiasion and was seen as the leader of the league during the early years of its establishment, influencing many of its policies and stances. The first agenda of the league was to curb the expansionist Osmax kingdom sending them an ultimatum to release several states between the league and the kingdom to create a buffer zone, however, Osmax's response was to declare war on the league.
[[Loelius Cyrillus I|Loelius I]] took the role of High King in 200 First Era after his father died from a long unknown disease. Loelius, although a popular decision to ascend the throne by the [[Assembly Of Clans]], did not live up to his fore bearers. Ridden with a crazed madness, the Kingdom fell into despair as the King neglected many of the Clans. Siding with only the strongest ones, the morale in the Kingdom collapsed as the King drove the clans even further away. Paranoid of being assassinated, the King used nearly his entire treasury during his reign for his own personal body guard regiment. Loelius I was not a strong leader, and proved it when a deadly outbreak of a disease threatened another clan. Instead of sending food or supplies, Loelius quarantined the city killing anybody who exited. Once the disease was over, Loelius I could not care less for the townspeople. He was killed in 215, a month after the quarantine had been lifted from a large villager mob that had belonged to the quarantine. His death was celebrated throughout the Kingdom. Instead of choosing the older son,[[Harmonius Cyrillus]], who Loelius I had deemed the successor, the [[Assembly Of Clans]] chose his younger son, [[Malius Cyrillus I|Malius I]].
===Malius I===
[[Malius Cyrillus I|Malius I]] took the throne very unexpectedly in 215 First Era after his crazed father destroyed the trust in his heir choosing capabilities. Only 22 years old, [[Malius Cyrillus I|Malius I]] proved to be a strong courageous leader. Not the brightest, nor the most cunning, his quick thinking abilities proved to outweigh his cons.
====Osmax war====
During the start of [[Osmax war]], the league had an advantage, the disorganized and autonomous nature of the league armies gave Osmax trouble as the league armies were everywhere at the same time, however, the lack of coordination, cooperation and objectives lead the armies dealing insufficient damage to Osmax while Osmax armies crushed the league armies one by one. Eventually, Osmax reached the Nometra city and razed it forcing the league to surrender. The league conceded several border territories and states to Osmax which ended the 3 years war. Nometra was devastated during the war, weakening it politically and economically while Osmax was only affected in its border regions.
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Trade cities and Nometra Minora played a pivotal role in Nometra regaining its political and economical strength, it also integrated [[Kingdom Of Osami]] trade routes to the mainland [[Umon]], which benefited both Osami and Nometra.
===Loelius II===
(215 - 222)
====Nometra Minora====
Nometra Minora became a cultural hotspot mixing various cultures and religions including Nometrians, [Local culture] and [Southern Culture]. At first, Nometra attempted to unify Nometra Minora in religious beliefs but faced heavy resistance which forced them from spreading [[Osmanian]] in the colony. As time go on Osmanian would see a sharp decline in Nometra Minora in favour of local religions.

Revision as of 09:04, 4 October 2023

Your chest or your head, I care not of your fate.

Cloelius I, Siege of Tanaion

the High Kingdom Of Nometra
172 First Era–N/A
Flag of Nometra
Smallest Extent
Smallest Extent
Chalcicyon (After 222 First Era)
Common languagesHelten
GovernmentDecentralized Warrior Kingdom
High King 
• (172 - 187)
Cloelius I
• (187 - 200)
Cloelius II
• (200 - 215)
Loelius I
• (215 - 222)
Malius I
• (222 - 234)
Loelius II
First Captain Of Nometra 
• (175 - 185)
Caius Hortensius Cyrillus
• (185 - 194)
Malius Hak Cyrillus
• (194 - 200)
Cloelius Canius Cyrillus III
• (200 - 215)
Narmius Cyrillus
• (215 - 222)
Harmonius Cyrillus
LegislatureAssembly of Clans
Historical eraFirst Era
• the Nometra meeting
July 172 First Era
October 4th, 221 - February 9th, 222 First Era
• N/A
• 172 First Era
POP IN 172
CurrencyThe Quadrata
Preceded by
Minor nearby tribes
  1. ...

The High Kingdom Of Nometra ("No-mee-tra") was formed by the leader, Cloelius I, in the 172 First Era. The High Kingdom Of Nometra was comprised of many tribal states formed to defend their autonomy against the Osmax. Although the Nometrians shared the same culture and language as the Osmax, they had heard of the wars such as Wall Of Spears waged by the crazed Kings Of The Osmax. Roughly around the year 200 First Era, Nometra stared to send colonists across the seas to get as far from the growing Osmax as possible. Striking the lands of Valmor, Nometra Minora formed. Later in 222 First Era, a year after the Osmax-Nometra War had started, the High Kingdom relocated to Nometra Minora abandoning their homeland in Western Umon.


Before the establishment of the High Kingdom of Nometra, the region was divided into many prominent clans and minor clans that often warred with each other. The Ardic Clan managed to become the dominant powerhouse in the region since 154 First Era, which played a vital role in convincing the other clans to come and meet in Nometra for the Nometra meeting.


The establishment of the High Kingdom of Nometra was after the Nometra meeting, where various large clans came together thanks to the efforts of Cloelius I of the Ardic Clan. All clans that attended the Nometra meeting swore fealty to the Ardic Clan in exchange for high autonomy and the creation of the Nometra Assembly of Clans, with each head of a clan getting a hereditary title in the High Kingdom of Nometra. Cloelius I named the kingdom Nometra after the city in which the meeting took place.

Cloelius I

Cloelius Cyrillus became the first High King of Nometra, commonly referred to as Cloelius I during his reign, and commissioned the Sapphire Crown and Sword of Nometra to represent his authority. Cloelius I's first plan as the High King was to convince the Assembly of Clans to expand Nometra even further which was successful thanks to the high charisma and promised rewards to Clan assembly members. In the wars collectively known as Cloelius's Wars of Aggression Nometra successfully expanded Nometra's borders to the north and east through vassalization of weak clans or outright conquest and lasted from 175 to 181. After Cloelius's Wars of Aggression, Cloelius I created the positions of Clans Speaker and First Captain to better control the newly acquired territory and the decentralized nature of the Nometran army. Cleolius I spent the rest of his reign integrating and administrating the High Kingdom until his death in 187.

Cloelius II

Cloelius II took the role of High King in 187 and dawned the Sapphire crown alongside the Sword of Nometra and became known as Cloelius II. Cloelius II was alarmed by the expansion of the Kingdom Of Osmax, many similar states in the region felt the same. In respone, Cloelius knew that he would need weapons if they were to war. He build mutiple blacksmith shops, and foundries in and around Nometra through the decade 190's. Unlike his father, Cloelius I, Cloelius II was a lot more peaceful and built his Kingdom to become bigger and better. Although the centralization in the Kingdom halted a lot of progress, and only gave the King very limited funds, Cloelius II was able to do much more with what he had been given. Sometime in May of 200 First Era, Cloelius II died from an unknown aliment. His son, the prosperous Loelius I took the throne.

Loelius I

Loelius I took the role of High King in 200 First Era after his father died from a long unknown disease. Loelius, although a popular decision to ascend the throne by the Assembly Of Clans, did not live up to his fore bearers. Ridden with a crazed madness, the Kingdom fell into despair as the King neglected many of the Clans. Siding with only the strongest ones, the morale in the Kingdom collapsed as the King drove the clans even further away. Paranoid of being assassinated, the King used nearly his entire treasury during his reign for his own personal body guard regiment. Loelius I was not a strong leader, and proved it when a deadly outbreak of a disease threatened another clan. Instead of sending food or supplies, Loelius quarantined the city killing anybody who exited. Once the disease was over, Loelius I could not care less for the townspeople. He was killed in 215, a month after the quarantine had been lifted from a large villager mob that had belonged to the quarantine. His death was celebrated throughout the Kingdom. Instead of choosing the older son,Harmonius Cyrillus, who Loelius I had deemed the successor, the Assembly Of Clans chose his younger son, Malius I. 215)

Malius I

Malius I took the throne very unexpectedly in 215 First Era after his crazed father destroyed the trust in his heir choosing capabilities. Only 22 years old, Malius I proved to be a strong courageous leader. Not the brightest, nor the most cunning, his quick thinking abilities proved to outweigh his cons.

Osmax war

During the start of Osmax war, the league had an advantage, the disorganized and autonomous nature of the league armies gave Osmax trouble as the league armies were everywhere at the same time, however, the lack of coordination, cooperation and objectives lead the armies dealing insufficient damage to Osmax while Osmax armies crushed the league armies one by one. Eventually, Osmax reached the Nometra city and razed it forcing the league to surrender. The league conceded several border territories and states to Osmax which ended the 3 years war. Nometra was devastated during the war, weakening it politically and economically while Osmax was only affected in its border regions.

However, after 221 FE, other league members demanded more representation and leadership roles, and to keep the league together, Nometra accepted the demand weakening its position in the league; although this benefited the league in the long run, it still undermined Nometran's authority for many years.

Colonial expansion

Nometra then shifted focus to naval supremacy creating small military crafts to manoeuvre and larger vessels for long journies efficiently. This helped them establish several trade cities along the coast of [NAME]. One trade city, in particular, grew exponentially and unexpectedly called Vedinum, which Governor Chariton headed and paved the way for the establishment of the Nometra Minora colony to the south of the Agarian mountains.

Trade cities and Nometra Minora played a pivotal role in Nometra regaining its political and economical strength, it also integrated Kingdom Of Osami trade routes to the mainland Umon, which benefited both Osami and Nometra.

Loelius II

(215 - 222)

Nometra Minora

Nometra Minora became a cultural hotspot mixing various cultures and religions including Nometrians, [Local culture] and [Southern Culture]. At first, Nometra attempted to unify Nometra Minora in religious beliefs but faced heavy resistance which forced them from spreading Osmanian in the colony. As time go on Osmanian would see a sharp decline in Nometra Minora in favour of local religions.

Fall of Nometra

Another war was declared between the league and Osmax. Osmax crushed the league and conquered various members of the league including Nometra. Many Nometrians nobles fled to Nometra Minora, however, some were promised positions and titles in the newly established Nometra province.


Initially, the Nometran government consisted of the High King, which is the monarch of the High Kingdom, and the Assembly of Clans, which acted as the Legislature of the High Kingdom. Later, the positions of First Captain and Clans Speaker were created to help organise the military and interpret the law respectively.

High King

The title of the High was an elective title chosen from and by the Assembly of Clans and acted as the head of state within the assembly's boundaries in peaceful times and an autocratic ruler during war times. The High King is part of the Assembly of Clans and had special powers, including veto rights and being the tiebreaker.

Assembly of Clans


Clans that attended the Nometra Meeting:

  • Ardic
  • Scrofa
  • Pictorus
  • Solythrae
  • TBD


Early Nometran military was very decentralized; each clan had its own army that only listened to the clan's chief orders; clan armies saw the High King's orders as a suggestion or guidance compared to their chief's orders. The High King's direct army, also known as the royal army, was called the "Azure Guards" as they were the only soldiers allowed to wear an azure focale or cloak to signify that they came from the royal army.

Equipment quality varied wildly, even within the royal army. Some portion of the army generally wore better and well-maintained armour compared to the rest. Each soldier had to maintain their own equipment.

The Nometran military was well known at the time for their "seventh circle" formation, a simple formation to learn yet effective enough. The seventh circle formation requires seven people in an ellipse formation, with two of the seven people being on horseback or wielding a long spear; these two people are called the Tasciac, being behind the other five soldiers and supporting them. The seventh circle formation allows for more effective and efficient fighting as inexperienced soldiers can be set on front with a mindset of survival while the more veteran Tasciacs support the other five and look for opportunities to attack the enemies. However, the fighting with the Kingdom Of Osmax revealed that the seventh circle formation crumbles once the Tasciacs are defeated.


After their defeat by Osmax the Nometran military reformed and adapted formations and tactics similar to Osmax. There was a semblance of unified training and equipment quality across Nometra. Each captain and clan chief is responsible for supplying, maintaining and paying the salary of the army they command. The High King also passed a law to make clans provide a portion of their soldiers for a season every summer and winter to the royal army, which helped achieve two objectives; to train the clan armies and enlarge the royal army.

The army also wore a more unified colour scheme to distinguish friend from foe easily; while the royal army still retained the azure colour, the clan armies wore a white focale or cloak instead. Officers also wore helmets with blue or white feathers to help them stand out in the chaos of battle.

Captains were paid in massive amounts and kept a large percentage of the loot to help them pay for the army that they commanded.

Legal system

The legal system can be divided into three parts in Nometra; local, interclan and royal. In local situations, a clan chief or a city governor presides or delegates judgment duties and decides punishment based on local and royal laws. Interclan is used when a minor problem or disagreement between clans or cities arises that does not require royal intervention or when the clans think that the High King is ruling in bad faith, the Clan assembly would act as a judge and preside over the trial. Royal judgement is reserved when neither local or interclan judgements are fit such as treason or corruption charges.

Trade cities

Nometran trade cities were cities that were either created with colonization or conquered with the main aim of establishing trade routes or having easier access to resources. Trade cities are governed by a Prefect which was appointed by the High King and assisted by a vice-Prefect who was elected from among the city's denizens.

Each trade city has their own army and navy that they maintain.


The majority of the Nometra were Midlanders, a name given to them when by southern and northern people they interacted with before the establishment of Nometra. With the creation of Nometra Midlanders and Nometrians became synonymous with each other. Religiously, most of the Nometrians were Osmanian, however many are unsure how or when the region become Osmanian. Some suggest that Osami was their source of conversion while others suggest Osmax.



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