Tribe Of Elbama

From The Lands Of Liberos Project

We are the unfortunate...

Lord Elbamo I, Meeting In Triblem

People Of Elbama
55 First Era–N/A
Flag of Tribe Of Elbama
Smallest Extent
Smallest Extent
Common languagesSemther
GovernmentUnorganized Kingdom
• (55 - 76 First Era)
Elbamo I
• (76 - 101 First Era)
Elbamo II
• (101 - 125 First Era)
Elbamo III
General Sumner 
• (55 - 69 First Era)
Deputy Flankintin
LegislatureRoyal Council
Historical eraFirst Era, Second Era
55 First Era
• N/A
• 55 First Era
• 75 First Era
• 100 First Era
CurrencyThe Splint
  1. ...

The Tibe Of Elbama was formed when the lord Elbamo I, had enough of fending for himself and his family, and formed the capital Triblem located in central Susland. It was the first civilization formed in Susland, and perhaps the most well known. The Elbamo people are widely regarded as some of the most racist, selfish, and evil people to ever walk the face of the planet. The nation is most well known for its very extreme forces of government force, relatively small scientific acceptance, and dwarf sized individuals.


There were many different eras of the Elbama tribe with the largest era belonging to the Elbamo Family.

The Reign Of the Elbamo's

The Reign Of the Elbamo's began in 55 AD with Elbamo I, also known as the god of the Blamo religion. Legend has it the tribe was formed when Elbamo I brought everyone in central Susland to have a great feast in the capital Triblem. From there every night Elbama would have a feast at night in honor of keeping the civilization alive until he was found dead of what was presumed natural cause's although some speculate it was radiation poisoning due to the currency being made up of uranium. Many people throughout the years died to this unnatural cause of death. Elbamo was remembered as a great, kind, and moral leader. This values quickly were lost when his son became Lord.

His son then begun his reign in 76 First Era, Elbamo II. His reign was known most for its ruthlessness and selfishness as he conquered and pillaged all the people nearby that were not apart of the tribe. His conquering started with the small unorganized tribes nearby, killing hundreds and enslaving the rest. The attacks were small to begin with, but then exponentially increased in size once a single child of the Elbamo tribe was killed, a noble child. The ruthless dictator Elbamo II ordered that all native tribesman would be killed on sight and their possessions taken. He later said that it wasn't the child, but what the child represented. This actually eventually would prove successful for the Elbamo Tribe, wiping out all the nearby tribesman by the Year 97 First Era. The end of Elbamo II came when he suffered from extreme radiation poising when he ate 13 grams of urainm-241 as a show of strength and dignity. Claiming he could live through it. Elbamo II was a horrible leader, killing hundreds of people, but his actions let the Elbamo tribe peacefully expand over the next few centuries.

Only 14 Years Old, because Elbamo II had married late in life, Elbamo III did not care about what his father did. In fact, his undeveloped mind saw him weaker, and sought to have the most deaths under his name. Due to him taking power at such a young age he was worried people would try to overthrow him as Lord. He then started a chain of laws that would be known as the Black Laws. These laws prevented people from talking about the ruler in a bad way and anyone that did would be executed in a timely manner. The laws were put into place in 103 First Era and would continue to the end of the Elbamo Family Reign. A estimated 2500 people died to these laws just within his reign. The people soon got sick and tired of Elbamo III actions, and stormed the palace. The people did a traditionally peeling of the grape on the leader to make sure that there would be no more Elbamos to reign the tribe. It ended in failure however, for as he bleed out on his floor, mourning his last words of "You smell like... like as-," It turned out that he had hid a child in the confines of a secret lover, Elbamo IV.

Elbamo IV's reign was very successful while odd. The people first did not accept him as a leader of the Elbama tribe but they quickly turned around to this thought as he made the iconic food of the area, the Seashell Cake. He was known by this as he made the best seashell cake of the region and supposedly by rumor even cured cancer. Soon after he made the cake he started a tradition that would last until the Elbamo tribe was no more. The ritual know as the camal bowl, it is a fertility festival to increase the population dramatically as much at the time were dying due to the large amount of uranium in there diets. The festivil proved very succesful as the population increased to a outstand 10,000 marking a high in the elbamos history to that point. However with such success there we're still a small group of hater's know as the whiterinos. This group would have several assination attempts on Elbamo IV however none we're succesful. The most well known seris of assination attempt's was know as the white attacks, these attempts took place during 138 First Era and would lead too more than 100 members of the whiterinos being excuted at the capital. Elbamo IV would have his first and only child at 140 First Era when he got too high off of sulfer and ended up sleeping with a woman who supplyed him the sulfer. Elbamo IV would end his reign however peacefully as he died in his sleep from old age at 167 First Era.

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