Technology Timeline

From The Lands Of Liberos Project

The Technology Timeline shows the advances of inventions of new tools, items, and objects throughout the years 1000 BCE - 1820 Third Era. These advances helped the human race go through multiple Eras and Periods in History, allowing new ways to get food, wage war, explore, and colonize. Many of these inventions contribute to an overall idea, while fewer create entire new ideas such as the Trebuchet which created a new term of Sieging.


1 First Era - Swords

As the first "invention" swords were revolutionized as more refining techniques and metals were discovered. Swords became a symbol of warfare for strength and honor on the battlefield in many Kingdoms. For the 1st Century, swords were built out of poorly refined iron that weighted heavy. But by the middle of the 2nd Century, they were much more lightweight and size appropriate. In the Kingdom Of Osmax, the Great Blacksmith Of Max, known by the soldiers as Legus Lar Phalanx, crafted the highest quality swords for centuries giving the Osmax and unprecedented military advantage.

40 First Era - Shields

Shields had many different variations, but the first arise from the Kingdom Of Osmax. First built a wooden rectangular and a hide leather strap, shields became the first primary weapon advantage that redefined the battlefield. Shields became a staple of military equipment and all foot soldiers were therefore equipped with such.

85 First Era - Bows

First used in the Osmax-Arain Succession War, Archers were rare to come by for most of the 1st Century. As a hunting tool, most bowman worked as hunters and far away from the concerns of the King. But with the rise of larger settlements notably Opam and Pomarus, thus the need for Archers increased. By 125 First Era, groups of Archers were placated in the Osmax Army and Mani Army to serve as Auxiliary support to the armies.

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