
From The Lands Of Liberos Project

Region Of Faltos

By far the smallest Region on Liberos, Faltos has remained the most densely populated region by far. As an Island Of Oceania, Faltos is possibly in the best position oriented for trade. This is most dearly needed for the few and little resources on the island worth anything of notable value. First giving rise to the Kingdom Of Osami in 49 First Era, the Osami would soon completely own Faltos and rule over it until the Osmax would arrive. Faltos is on average a colder region, with few geographical features. Faltos, like its brother Umon, both have near complete Osmanian and Helten dominance.


Faltos, pronounced as "Fall-toast" originates from the Book Of Sorrow. With religious wars over which region, Umon or Faltos is mentioned as the beginning area. To assert their claim, the Osami named the region Faltos, which means home in Helten. The Osami claim Gomm as the hometown and thus, it is symbolized as the original "Faltos."


Kingdom Of Osami




The geographical features on Faltos are very limited, only including the Bay Of Shadows and Sea Of Hifama. As an island, Faltos would enjoy a natural defensive mechanism against land armies. However, this meant that the inhabitants of Faltos needed a strong navy. With strong currents pulling around the island, and a great fishing industry, the Osami would go on to become master navigators of the sea.


Besides a few lone silver deposits, Faltos is by far the most bare in terms of natural resources. Surrounded on all sides by water, fish, farming, and oil make up most of the economy. The silver deposits would become one of the most important things for the Kingdom Of Osami as they sought a economic advantage against the Crenali.


Very similar to Umon and Peltas, Faltos has cold winters with generally warm summers and cool springs. Heavy winds coming off the sea make coastal towns much colder than the inland grasslands and forests. Wind, however, blows everywhere on the island. The island experiences a lot of rainfall, allowing very fertile soil for the growing season. This in turn gave rise to the high population density known of the island.


Like the region across the Sea Of Hifama, Umon, Faltos has near complete Osmanian and Helten dominance. Heltas make up nearly the entire population and other religious organizations, especially under the Kingdom Of Osami, were banned. With religious wars in Osmanian common, the Osami feverishly hated other religions.

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