Osmax Royal Council

From The Lands Of Liberos Project

The Royal Council in the [[Kingdom Of Osmax] is the highest form of power, besides the King and General Of Osmax. The Council's job was primarily to do all of the administrative work within the borders of the Kingdom and often was comprised of rich land owners and large business owners. Previous Generals and high-ranking officers also resigned here after their service in the military. The Council only has twenty-five people, of which one person is chosen as the head. The Head Council member has significant more power, with their vote being counted as three votes. If the event of a tie, the side of the Head Councilmen wins. The Council's power in relation to the King has shifted rapidly throughout the centuries with the King holding most of the power in the earlier years. However, with unrest and instability the Council would slight gain more and more power.


1st Century

Created by King Max I to help manage the Kingdoms affairs, the Royal Council began more as a city managing entity. Officiating over many more matters than the King in affairs considered lesser, the Council began its roots in civil discourse. As the years unfolded, however, the Council in the Osmax-Fowatan War would see itself as an advocate for the welfare of the Kingdoms citizens. Becoming influential to the King, the Council still remained Loyal to the King.

2nd Century



Head Councilor


Head Councilor


Notable Members

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